Friday, April 10, 2015

Progress Update #32 - Week 34 - 4/10/2015

Week 34 Accomplishments:
  • Irrigation
    • The  main line, lateral piping, sprinkler installation:  
      • Hole #1 - 100% complete
    • The design is laid out on hole #18
  • Cartpath Installation 
    • #14 - 100% Complete
    • #15 - 95% Complete (Access points left open)
    • #16 - 95% complete    
  • Geotube Installation
    • Hole #1 
      • Left side of fairway - 100% complete
      • Right side of the fairway to the green - 75% complete
  • Weir Structure Replacement 
    • Weir - structures that control the water elevations in the lake
      • Remaining Structure currently being modified:
        • Hole #7
  • Bunker Construction
    • Finish shaping:
      • Hole #4 - All bunkers
      • Hole #6 - All bunkers
    • Better Billy Bunker Liner Installation
  • Grassing
    • Hole #3 
      • Sod is being laid around the fairway bunker complex and lake bank
  • Landscape
    • Hole #1 - Bougainvillea have been planted behind the green. Landscape irrigation has been installed in this bed.
    • Hole #3 - Native grasses planted behind left fairway bunker
    • Hole #4 - Native grasses planted behind the back left bunker. Landscape irrigation has been installed in this bed.
    • Hole #5 - Native grasses planted behind the green-side bunker
    • Hole #8 - 
      • Clusia, Bougainvillea, and native grasses planted behind the tees / roadside. Landscape irrigation has been installed in this bed.
      • Calypso Oleanders and Petite Pink Oleanders have been installed behind the green
    • Hole #9 - 
      • Clusia and Bougainvillea have been planted behind the tee / along the roadside. Landscape irrigation has been installed in this bed.
      • Landscape irrigation has been installed to all the large plant material behind the green.
    • Hole #13 - Shady Lady Olive trees have been planted on the berm behind the green.

Upcoming Week Goals:
  • Continue the grassing on holes #3 and #4
  • Float / Check green rootzone depth and mix on holes #3 and #4
  • Complete the Cartpath Installation on hole #17
  • Continue to flush irrigation system and setup the satellite box station sequences
  • Complete the Better Billy Bunker liner installation on hole #4 & 5
  • Complete the modification of the weir structure on the lake of #7 and regrade the drainage swale to the correct elevations.
  • Fumigation of Tees
    • Purpose: Eradicate any Nematode population that may still be viable.
    • Product used: Basamid 
    • Licensed Applicators: TriEst Ag Group Inc.
    • Timeframe of Application:
      • 1st Application: 
        • Date: April 13th (1 day)
        • Holes: 2 - 9, 11 - 13
        • Tarps perforated: April 20th (Monday)
        • Tarps removed: April 21st (Tuesday) 
      • 2nd Application: 
        • Date: Tentatively scheduled week of April 20th
        • Holes: 1, 10, 14 - 18
    • Application information:
      • Once the product is applied to the ground it's then watered in until the soil reaches a specific moisture level. 
      • Following the watering process a plastic tarp is then laid over top of the application area for a 5 day period. Once the tarps of have been on the ground for a total of a 120 hours the applicators then perforate the tarps and leave them sit for an additional 24 hours. 
    • Buffer Zones and Re-entry Period: 
      • There are strict rules regarding buffer zones with is a 30 foot distance from structures and bodies of water.
      • Outside the drip line of trees.
      • Once the product is applied there is a re-entry interval of 48 hours. Anyone who is to enter any of the treated areas during this period is required to have the correct personal protective equipment.
    • Posting Signage in treated areas
      • Each area will have specific signage signifying that the area has been treated.

Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are:   

1) April 15th - 17th

Did you know:  

Grassing Information:
Sprigging is the process of removing stems (stolons or rhizomes) from mature bermudagrass stands and replanting the vegetative cuttings in a different location. Any grass that has a lateral growth habit can be established by sprigs, but the aggressive growth rate of bermudagrass makes sprigging a very popular way of establishing new fields. Sprigs are typically from 3 to 5 inches long and contain numerous nodes (i.e. growing points) from which new roots and shoots develop. 

    Member Course Tours: 

    Dates & Time:

    1) April 16th @ 2:30 pm

    Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

    *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

    Progress Video:

    Password: "oaks"

    The Heron Implementation Team