Friday, May 29, 2015

Progress Update #39 - Week 41 - 5/29/15

Week 41 Accomplishments 

  • Greens:
    • Regrading and checking the rootzone depth
      • Hole # 15 - Complete
  • Bunker Construction:
    • Hole #14 - Drainage installation and Better Billy Bunker liner installed in the green-side bunker
  • Grassing:
    • Order of holes: 3 - 8, 11 - 18, 10, 9, 1, 2 
    • Order of installation 
      • Sodding around bunkers / lake banks / drains
      • TifGrand Bermudagrass - Collars, Approaches, and Chipping areas
      • Celebration Sprigs
    • Holes #13
      • All areas have been grassed with the exception of the green

Upcoming Week Goals:
  • Grassing: Sprig and Sod Holes #12 & #14 except for the greens
  • Complete Landscape installation along #3 roadway
  • Complete the cartpath installation on hole #1 

Did you know:

One of the golf course sprinklers irrigates approximately 3,100 square feet. 

Member Course Tours:

Dates and Time:

No tours are scheduled for this coming week

Should you have any question or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940 

*Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone. To Ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time. Should you see anyone out walking or driving on the course not accompanied by Management, please notify the Golf Shop or Security.

Progress Video:

Click Here to view the Progress Video

The Heron Implementation Team

Friday, May 22, 2015

Progress Update #38 - Week 40 - 5/22/2015

Week 40 Accomplishments 

  • Greens:
    • Regrading and checking the rootzone depth
      • Hole # 13 - Complete
      • Hole #14 - Complete
    • Grassing complete on holes #3 - #8
  • Bunker Construction:
    • Hole #13 - Drainage installation and Better Billy Bunker liner installed in the green-side bunker
  • Grassing:
    • Order of holes: 3 - 8, 11 - 18, 10, 9, 1, 2 
    • Order of installation 
      • Sodding around bunkers / lake banks / drains
      • TifGrand Bermudagrass - Collars, Approaches, and Chipping areas
      • Celebration Sprigs
    • Holes #8
      • All areas have been grassed
    • Hole #11
      • All areas have been grassed from the bridge to the green
  • Landscape Installation:
    • Hole #17
      • Bougainvillea, Oleanders, Firebush, and Ornamental grasses have been installed on the berm behind the green. Additional ferns are to be installed under the large oaks along the road.
    • Hole #13
      • Ornamental Grasses installed behind the left fairway bunker.
  • Fumigation on Tees
    • Complete on the holes - #1, 10, 14, 15, and 18
    • Tarps will be removed the early part of next week

Upcoming Week Goals:
  • Grassing: 
    • Sprig and Sod from the bridge back to the tee on Hole #13.
    • Sprig and Sod all of hole #12 except for the green
  • Complete bunker drainage installation, Better Billy Bunker Liner, and sand installation on Hole #14
  • Complete Landscape installation along #3 roadway
  • Complete the cartpath installation on holes #1 and #9

*The contractor will not be working on Monday due to the holiday

Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are:

1) May 27th - May 28th 

Did you know:

The greens will be firm during the first year due to lack of a thatch or mat layer which is located right below the putting surface.

Member Course Tours:

Dates and Time:

Thursday, May 28th @ 9:30 am

Should you have any question or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940 

*Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone. To Ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time. Should you see anyone out walking or driving on the course not accompanied by Management, please notify the Golf Shop or Security.

Progress Video:

Click Here to view the Progress Video
Password - "oaks"

The Heron Implementation Team

Friday, May 15, 2015

Progress Update #37 - Week 39 - 5/15/2015

Week 39 Accomplishments:
  • Greens:
    • Regrading and checking the rootzone depth:
      • Hole #11 - Complete
      • Hole #12 - Complete
  • Cartpath Installation  
    • No cart path was installed this week.
    • Remaining holes to complete
      • Holes #1, #9, #2, and #18 
    • Bunker Construction
      • Finish shaping:
        • Hole#14 - Complete
        • Grassing
          • Order of holes: 3 - 8, 11 - 18, 10, 9, 1, 2
          • Order of installation: 
            • Sodding around bunkers / lake banks / drains
            • TifGrand Collars and Approach areas
            • Celebration Sprigs
          • Hole #6 & #7
            • All Areas have been grassed
        • Landscape Installation
          • There was no landscaping installed this week
          • Holes still scheduled to have plant material installed are:
            • #3 Roadway
            • #2 Roadway
            • #17 Green Surround Berm & southern perimeter along roadway
            • #18 Green surround
            • #10 Tee and Fairway Bunker 

        Upcoming Week Goals:
        • Sprig & Sod TifGrand Collars and Approach areas holes #11 - #13
        • Sprig Celebration on holes #8 and #11 
        • Complete the Better Billy Bunker liner installation on hole #13 and & #14
        • Sprig TifEagle Bermudagrass on Greens #3 - #8
          • Thursday, May 21st
        • Complete Fumigation of Tees
          • Holes: #14, #15, #18, #10, #1

        A Look Ahead:
        • Grassing Projected Schedule:
          • Week of May 18th
            • Complete all grassing on hole #8 & 2/3 of #11 (bridge to green)
            • Complete greens grassing on holes #3 - #8
            • Complete TifGrand Bermudagrass installation on holes #11, #12, and #13
          • Week of May 25th 
            • Complete all grassing on holes #12 & #13

        Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are:   

        1) May 18th - May 20th

        2) May 27th - May 28th

        Did you know:  

          The east side of the putting green (closest to Heron #1 & #10 tees) will be renovated to match the new Heron putting greens. The existing rootzone mix will be removed and new material will be installed to match the Heron. There will also be a collar of TifGrand Bermudagrass around the TifEagle putting surface, again to mimic the Heron Green Complexes.

          Member Course Tours: 

          Dates & Time:

          1) Monday, May 18th @ 2:30 pm

          2) Thursday, May 28th @ 9:30 am

          Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

          *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

          Progress Video:

          Password = oaks

          The Heron Implementation Team

          Friday, May 8, 2015

          Progress Update #36 - Week 38 - 5/8/2015

          Week 38 Accomplishments:
          • Greens:
            • Regrading and checking the rootzone depth:
              • Hole #8 - Complete
          • Irrigation
            • All the main irrigation is complete. There are still roadway zones to be installed on holes #2 and #3.
          • Cartpath Installation 
            • #10 - 100% Complete 
            • #1 / #9 - Complete to / from the bridge
            • #7 - 100% Complete 
            • Bunker Construction
              • Finish shaping:
                • Holes #11, #12, and #13 are complete
                • Grassing
                  • Order of holes: 3 - 8, 11 - 18, 10, 9, 1, 2
                  • Order of installation: 
                    • Sodding around bunkers / lake banks / drains
                    • Sprigging 
                  • Hole #5
                    • All Areas have been grassed
                • Landscape Installation
                  • Mulching continues on the beds currently planted to 90 - 100%
                  • Wetland Area plantings on #14 / #15.

                Upcoming Week Goals:
                • Sprig Celebration on holes #6 and #7 
                • Complete the Better Billy Bunker liner installation on hole #11
                • Greens Grassing is scheduled to the week of May 18th on holes # 3 - #8

                  A look ahead:
                  • Grassing Projected Schedule:
                    • Week of May 11th
                      • Complete all grassing on holes #6 & #7
                    • Week of May 18th
                      • Complete all grassing on hole #8
                      • Complete greens grassing on holes #3 - #8
                      • Complete TifGrand Bermudagrass installation on holes #11, #12, and #13
                    • Week of May 25th 
                      • Complete all grassing on holes #12 & #13

                  Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are:   

                  1) May 18th - May 20th

                  2) May 27th - May 28th
                  *Jason will not be onsite next week due to a business trip to Singapore 

                  Did you know:  
                   The aquatic plants installed in the renovated wetland on holes #14 and #15 include Pickerelweed, Arrowhead, Bulrush, and Giant Leather Fern on the islands.

                  Bulrush will also be planted around select weir structures to block the view. 

                    Member Course Tours: 

                    Dates & Time:

                    Monday, May 18th @ 2:30

                    Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

                    *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

                    Progress Video:

                    The Heron Implementation Team

                    Friday, May 1, 2015

                    Progress Update #35 - Week #37 - 5/1/2015

                    Week 37 Accomplishments:
                    • Greens:
                      • Regrading and checking the rootzone depth:
                        • Hole #7 - Complete
                        • Hole #8 - 80% Complete
                    • Irrigation
                      • Hole #18 - 100% Complete
                    • Cartpath Installation 
                      • #11 - 100% complete 
                      • #10 - 90% complete  
                      • Bunker Construction
                        • Finish shaping:
                          • Hole #8 - Green-side Bunker is complete
                        • Better Billy Bunker Liner Installation
                          • Hole #7 - All bunkers complete
                          • Hole #8 - Complete
                          • Better Billy Bunker Liner Information:
                        • Grassing
                          • Order of holes: 3 - 8, 11 - 18, 10, 9, 1, 2
                          • Order of installation: 
                            • Sodding around bunkers / lake banks / drains
                            • Sprigging 
                          • Hole #4
                            • All Areas have been grassed
                        • Landscape Installation
                          • Additional Plantings and Irrigation on holes #8, #9, #13, #14, and #18. 
                          • Wetland Area plantings on #14 / #15 have begun.

                        Upcoming Week Goals:
                        • Sprig and Sod Celebration on Hole #5
                        • Sprig and Sod TifGrand on approaches and green collars on holes #6, #7, and #8
                        • Complete Cartpath Installation on hole #10 Tee, #1 Tee, and #9 Green
                        • Complete the Better Billy Bunker liner installation on hole #8
                        • Complete the plantings in the wetland #14 / #15.
                        • Complete the modification of the weir structure on the lake of #7 and regrade the drainage swale to the correct elevations.
                        • Greens Grassing is scheduled to begin the week of May 12th.

                          Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are:   

                          1) May 7th - May 8th

                          Did you know:  
                          The first mowing of the sprigged areas will be approximately 4 weeks from the original grassing date..  

                            Member Course Tours: 

                            Dates & Time:

                            Friday, May 8th @ 9:30

                            Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

                            *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

                            Progress Video:

                            The Heron Implementation Team