Saturday, August 30, 2014

Progress Update #3 - Week 2 - 8/30/2014

Heron Renovation Project

Below are several photos of the week #2 progress. Please see the captions in each photo. Scroll towards the bottom of the page for a link to a progress video.

The next two plans are Composite plans of holes 3, 4, and 5 which will give you a general idea of the vision of Course Architect, Jason Straka. As each hole is shaped and then reviewed by Jason, he may suggest small changes or tweaks to the design on a specific hole which is also approved by the Heron Implementation Team.

Jason will be on site this coming Wednesday and Thursday to review the initial work completed by Southeastern Golf on holes 3, 4, and 5. 

Please note that you can go directly to the Progressive Journal by going to the Club website and clicking on the Golf/Grounds tab / Heron Renovation Project tab / Heron Progressive Journal tab. This will take you directly to the webpage and you can review all the archived posts to the Journal.

Click here to view a brief video

Any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

The Heron Implementation Team

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Progress Update #3 - Week 2 - 8/25/2014

The Oaks Club - Heron Golf Course Renovation

Week 1 Accomplishments:
  • Rototilling 
    • Holes 3, 4, & 5 are 85 % complete. The perimeters of each hole will remain with turf as an added erosion barrier
  • Greens 
    • Soil is being removed and stockpiled for tees
    • Existing soil has been excavated on holes 3, 4, and 5
  • Erosion Control
    • Silt Fence Installation
      • Completed on Holes 3 - 9
    • Turbidity Barrier Installation
      • Installed in #3 lake
  • Earthmoving / Shaping
    • started on hole #4
  • Existing Irrigation Removal
    • Completed on holes 3 - 9

Upcoming Week Goals:
  • Complete Silt Fence Installation on entire front nine
  • Start initial clearing plan on holes 3 - 5. (Approved permit from Sarasota County)
  • Complete irrigation head extraction on holes 1 & 2
  • Continue to install tree protection fencing
  • Earthmoving / shaping on holes #3 & #4. 

Please click on the below link to view a progress update video:

Click here for a brief video

Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

The Heron Implementation Team

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Progress Update #2


Below are some bullet points on the current progress by Southeastern Golf and some upcoming processes that will be taking place over the next several days

  • Rototilling 
    • Complete on Hole #3
    • Half of Hole #4 is complete
  • Greens 
    • Existing turfgrass is being stripped and piled up in the center of the green
    • Complete on Hole #3
    • Working on #4 and then moving to #5
    • The existing greens mix will be used as the subsoil for the newly shaped / regraded tees
  • Erosion Control
    • Silt Fence Progress
      • Completed on Holes 3, 4, 6
      • Working on #5 & 7
      • Over the next several days they will work on holes #8, 9, 1, and 2. Additional staffing will be in place to expedite this process
      • Red marking flags are installed prior to the crew installing the fence The flags signify the location where the fence will be installed.
    • Turbidity Barrier in Water Bodies
      • The yellow barrier will be installed on Hole #3 where the corner of the lake is to be filled. The main purpose behind the barrier is to prevent sediment from traveling throughout the lake.

Please click on the below link to view a progress update video:

Click here to view a brief video

Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

Thank you!

The Heron Implementation Team

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Progress Update - 8/16/14

Southeastern Golf continues to work on the silt fence and tree protection barrier. The primary function of the silt fence is to prevent any sediment from entering a water body and an area which is not owned by the Club. The tree protection barrier is positioned in the tree's drip line and identifies a non-grading area which would affect the health of the tree.

The contractor will be starting on hole #3 due to the extensive grading and earthwork plan for this hole. Holes 1-4 and #9 will be the initial starting holes in the construction sequence. As of this morning the irrigation on the entire Front 9 of the Heron has been valved off permanently.

Areas which may be a prime habitat for rodents now have rodent control boxes in an effort to reduce the population. The boxes are specifically designed for  rodents to enter and not allow any other animals to open or enter the box. The vendor who checks the boxes on a routine basis has the only key to enter the boxes to check the bait.

Please click on the link below for a brief overview of the silt fencing and tree protection currently installed on hole #3.

Click Here to Watch the Video

Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

The Heron Implementation Team

Friday, August 8, 2014

Course Architect - Jason Straka - Site Visit

On Thursday, August 7th, Jason Straka was on site to review the initial clearing plan for the front 9. Representatives from Southeastern Golf and The Oaks Club reviewed the clearing plans which were created by Jason based off the designed plans. Jason will be back next Thursday to completed the back 9 review.

To review the Bio of Jason Straka posted on the Club's website, please click here.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Design Plans - Hole #18

One of the features seen directly off the tee is the view of the range. To enhance and block the view a large berm will be positioned along the entire left side of the golf hole which will include a wide array of landscape plants.The fairway will also be raised in elevation and continuously melded into the landscape berm to appear very natural. The added elevation will allow for the proper contouring of the fairway and improve the overall surface drainage of the hole.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Design Plan - Hole #17

The current design of the 17th hole is considered a 'runway' or bowling-alley' hole due to it's narrowness and straightway approach. To improve playability, strategy or aesthetics, and agronomic features of the hole, there will be selective clearing of a few trees. It's also important to keep the road hidden from view, so nothing close to the road will be disturbed and additional landscaping is planned.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Design Plan - Hole #16

The green on the 16th hole will be slid back and to the left . The large specimen Oak will be great accent piece to the hole as it will frame the greens complex with the background. There is also an improvement to safety of the 17th tee by sliding the green to the left.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Design Plan - Hole #15

With water on both sides of the 15th fairway, there is little room for error. To alleviate the potential for a ball to skip off a concrete cart path a large bunker is positioned along the left side of the fairway. The bunker will also serve as a cart path when necessary. The two hidden coves of water that jut into the golf hole to the right of the green and second landing area will be eliminated.