Friday, March 27, 2015

Progress Update #30 - Week 32 - 3/27/15

Week 32 Accomplishments:
  • Irrigation
    • The  main line, lateral piping, sprinkler installation:  
      • Hole #9 - 100% complete
      • Hole #10 - 50% Complete
  • Cartpath Installation
    • Completed to date: 
      • #12 - 85% Complete
  • Landscape Installation
    • Small shrub and ornamental grass installation such as Firebush, Bougainvillea, and Muhly grass    
  • Geotube Installation
    • Hole #10 - Greens Complex Shoreline 100% complete
    • Hole #1 - Left side of fairway - 40% complete
  • Weir Structure Replacement 
    • Weir - structures that control the water elevations in the lake
    • Completed on:
      • Hole #12
      • Hole #15
      • Remaining Structures to be replaced:
        • Hole #7
        • Hole #15
  • Bunker Construction
    • Finish shaping:
      • Hole #3 - All bunkers
      • Hole #4 - Back right bunker
      • Hole #5 - All Bunkers 
      • Hole #6 - Fairway Bunker

Upcoming Week Goals:
    • Continue the landscape installation of the smaller shrubs and grasses on the front 9
    • Complete the Cartpath Installation on holes #13, and #14
    • Complete the Irrigation installation on hole #10 & #1
    • Continue to flush and pressurize the Irrigation System
    • Geotube Installation - complete the left side of the fairway
    • Complete the install of all the remaining Weir Structures

    The Look Ahead:
    • Grass Installation:  Grass installation will begin the week of April 6th.
    • Fumigation of Greens Surrounds and Tee Complexes is scheduled to begin the week of April 6th.
    • Better Billy Bunker Liner installation will begin this coming week.
    • The projected opening date is early November.

    Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are: 
    1) April 2nd - 3rd
    2) April 9th - 10th 

    Did you know:  

    It takes a minimum of 10 - 12 weeks of ideal growing conditions for sprigged grass to mature to a level that can withstand foot traffic from golfers. This means the course will not be ready for play until 10 - 12 weeks after the last significant area of grass is sprigged.

    Member Course Tours: 

    Dates & Time:

    There are currently no scheduled tours due to cartpath installation taking place on a majority of the golf course. 

    Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

    *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

    Progress Video:

    Password: "oaks"

    The Heron Implementation Team

    Friday, March 20, 2015

    Progress Update #29 - Week 31 - 3/20/2015

    Week 31 Accomplishments:
    • Earthmoving / Rough Shaping
      • Hole #1 - Fairway - 100% complete
    • Irrigation
      • The  main line, lateral piping, sprinkler installation:  
        • Hole #9 - 90% complete
        • Hole #17 - 100% complete
    • Cartpath Installation
      • Completed to date: 
        • #3 - #8 - 100%
        • #11 - 85% (Tee Complex remain)
        • #12 - started this morning
        • #13 - 50% (completed from tees to bridge)
    • Landscape Installation
      • Bismarck Palm Installation - Holes #5, #9, and #18
      • Live Oaks - #1, #8, #17, #18
      • Hong Kong Orchid Trees - Hole #2, #4, #8, #9, #17, #18
      • The larger plant material is being installed first due to the use of the heavy machinery.    
    • Geotube Installation
      • Hole #9 - Greens Complex Shoreline is 100% complete
      • Hole #10 - Greens Complex Shoreline 50% complete
    • Weir Structure Replacement 
      • (structures that control the water elevations in the lake)
      • Completed on:
        • Hole #5 / 6
        • Hole #8
        • Remaining Structures to be replaced:
          • Hole #7
          • Hole #12
          • Hole #15
          • Hole #16
    • Bunker Construction
      • Finish shaping has begun on hole #3. This phase takes place right before grassing is to begin.
      • Following the approval from the Course Architect, a bunker liner will be installed which aides in drainage during heavy rain events.

    Upcoming Week Goals:
      • Continue the landscape installation of the Oaks and Flowering Trees
      • Complete the Cartpath Installation on holes #12, #13, and #14
      • Complete the Irrigation installation on hole #10
      • Continue to flush and pressurize the Irrigation System
      • Continue to install new Weir Structures (Controls the water level in the lakes)
      • Geotube Installation - Start  #1 green
      • Complete the install of all the remaining Weir Structures

      The Look Ahead:
      • Grass Installation: With the assistance of our FRIEND Mother Nature we are hopeful to begin grass installation the week of April 6th.
      • Fumigation of Greens Surrounds and Tee Complexes is scheduled to begin the week of April 6th.
      • Bunker Construction will begin at the end of March.
      • The projected opening date is early November.

      Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are: 
      1) March 27th - 28th 

      Did you know:  

      The pressure in the irrigation sprinklers are set at 80 - 85 psi. The pressure coming out of the the pump-station is set at 110 psi.

      Member Course Tours: 

      Dates & Time:

      There are currently no scheduled tours due to cartpath installation taking place on a majority of the golf course. 

      Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

      *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

      Progress Video:

      Password: "oaks"

      The Heron Implementation Team

      Friday, March 13, 2015

      Progress Update #28 - Week 30 - 3/13/2015

      Week 30 Accomplishments:
      • Earthmoving / Rough Shaping
        • Hole #9 
          • Tee Complex - 100% complete
        • Hole #1 - Fairway - 85% complete
      • Irrigation
        • The  main line, lateral piping, sprinkler installation:  
          • Hole #9 - Mainline pipe has been installed
          • Hole #17 - 80% complete
      • Cartpath Installation
        • Completed to date: 
          • #3 - 100%
          • #7 - 95%
          • #8 - 100%
      • Landscape Installation
        • Sabal Palm Installation - Holes #5, #8, #9, #15, #17
        • Live Oaks - 2 live oaks planted behind the green on hole #7
        • Hong Kong Orchid Trees - Hole #8   
      • Geotube Installation
        • Hole #15 - Greenside is nearly complete. A new weir structure has to be installed first to complete the GeoTube.
        • Hole #9 - Greens Complex Shoreline is 85% complete
        • Remaining Areas:
          • Hole #1 - Left and right shorelines along the fairway
          • Hole #10 - Greens Complex Shoreline

      Upcoming Week Goals:
        • Continue the landscape installation of the Oaks and Flowering Trees 
        • Complete the Cartpath Installation on holes #11 and #12
        • Complete the Irrigation installation on hole #17 and start #9
          • A portion of the system will be pressurized in the middle of the week.
        • Continue Earthwork plan on hole #1
        • Start to install new Weir Structures (Controls the water level in the lakes)
        • Geotube Installation - Start  #10 green

        The Look Ahead:
        • Grass Installation: With the assistance of our FRIEND Mother Nature we are hopeful to begin grass installation in the middle to latter part of March or the early part of April.
        • Bunker Construction will begin at the end of March.
        • The projected opening date is early November.

        Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are: 
        1) March 16th - 18th 

        Did you know:  

        The height of the new sabal palms being installed range from 12 - 16 feet tall.

        Member Course Tours: 

        Dates & Time:

        1) Wednesday, March 18th @ 9:30 am 

        Meeting Location: 

        Golf Cart Staging Area out side the Golf Shop entrance 

        Registration Information:
        Registration can be accomplished by utilizing the event sign-up section on ForeTees via the Club website or by calling the Golf Shop at 966-2191. Sign-ups are limited to 20 with a waiting list once registration is full. 

        Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

        *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

        Progress Video:

        Password: "oaks"

        The Heron Implementation Team

        Friday, March 6, 2015

        Progress Update #27 - Week 29 - 3/6/15

        Week 29 Accomplishments:
        • Earthmoving / Rough Shaping
          • Hole #9 
            • Tee Complex - 95% complete
          • Hole #1 - Fairway - 70% complete
        • Drainage
          • Hole #1 - 80% complete
        • Irrigation
          • The  main line, lateral piping, sprinkler installation:  
            • Hole #15 - Complete
            • Hole #9 - Mainline pipe has been fused and is ready to be installed
          • Hole #9, #10, #17, and #1 tee complex - sprinkler design and layout has been marked and is ready to be installed.
        • Cartpath Installation
          • Completed to date: 
            • #3 - 85%
            • #4 - 100%
            • #5 - 100%
            • #6 - 100%
            • #7 - 40%
        • Landscape Installation
          • Sabal Palm Installation - Holes #7, #8
        • Geotube Installation
          • Hole #15 - Greenside is nearly complete. A new weir structure has to be installed first to complete the GeoTube.
          • Remaining Areas:
            • Hole #1 - Left and right shorelines along the fairway
            • Hole #9 - Greens Complex Shoreline
            • Hole #10 - Greens Complex Shoreline

        Upcoming Week Goals:
          • Continue the landscape installation of the Sabal palms 
          • Complete the Cartpath Installation on hole #7 and #8
          • Complete the Irrigation installation on hole #17
          • Continue Earthwork plan on hole #1
          • Start to install new Weir Structures (Controls the water level in the lakes)
          • Geotube Installation - Complete  #9 green
          • Complete the stormwater equalizer piping on hole #1

          The Look Ahead:
          • Grass Installation: With the assistance of our FRIEND Mother Nature we are hopeful to begin grass installation in the middle to latter part of March or the early part of April.
          • Irrigation System Pressurizing: Depending on the progress of holes #1, #9, #10, and #18 the goal will be to pressurize the system in the middle of March. The Irrigation system will assist in additional dust control around the entire course.
          • Bunker Construction will begin mid March.
          • The projected opening date is early November.

          Golf Course Architect, Jason Straka's next scheduled site visits are: 
          1) March 11th - 13th
          2) March 16th - 18th 

          Did you know:  

          The new irrigation sprinkler layout is set in a triangular pattern and each head is 60 to 70 feet apart. The distance of how far a sprinkler throws water is also adjusted by the nozzle selection. 

          Member Course Tours: 

          Dates & Time:

          1) Wednesday, March 18th @ 9:30 am 

          Meeting Location: 

          Golf Cart Staging Area out side the Golf Shop entrance 

          Registration Information:
          Registration can be accomplished by utilizing the event sign-up section on ForeTees via the Club website or by calling the Golf Shop at 966-2191. Sign-ups are limited to 20 with a waiting list once registration is full. 

          Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to or call the Heron Hotline at 966-6940.

          *Please know that the entire Heron Golf Course is a construction zone.  To ensure your safety, please do not access the Heron course at any time

          Progress Video:

          The Heron Implementation Team